مكتبة المتنبي قصائد بدون نت

by Quran Arabic - Ayat AlQuran



Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabi is an Arab poet from the Abbasid era. He is considered one of the greatest Arab poets of all time. He is a wise poet, and one of the glories of Arabic literature. Most of his poems revolve around himself and praise the kings. He said poetry as a boy, so he composed his first poems at the age of 9, and he was famous for his sharp intelligence and diligence, and his poetic talent appeared early.Characteristics of Al-Mutanabbis Poetry Abu Al-Tayyib Al-Mutanabbi was characterized by his pride, courage and ambition, in addition to his pride in his Arabism in his poetic verses, and pride in himself. A poet of prolific poetic production, the owner of walking proverbs, eloquent wisdom, and innovative meanings. Moving between princes and kings helped him develop his poetic talent, as he praised them in most of his poems.Application features:- Diwan Al-Mutanabbi- He felt about the success of Al-MutanabbiAl-Mutanabbis poem on Saif al-Dawla- Verses of poetry by Al-Mutanabi about self-esteemAl-Mutanabbis poetry in praise of the Prophet- Al-Mutanabbis poem Horses and NightAl-Mutanabbis poetry